My mission statement~

I intend on "trying" to live a life that is about: not putting in my mouth things that are bad for me or have come from an animal that was treated cruely while alive on this earth and during slaughter, creating lasting fond memories for my children and grandchildren, adventure, challenging myself, respect others regardless of species, race, color or creed, taking risks, having fun, being grateful, respecting myself & my body, being authentically myself, taking responsibility for my actions, being proactive, being a problem solver, taking action, introspection, transition, change, honesty, growth, loving & helping others, having integrity, doing my best, being easy on myself, enjoying this world, becoming well read, seeing the wonder of it all and never allowing fear to hold me back!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I love e-how..................

How to Get Motivated to Clean the House

By eHow Home & Garden Editor

Rate: (4 Ratings)

Everyone enjoys a clean home, but no one enjoys doing housework. The end result is always so satisfying and instills a true sense of accomplishment and ownership, but even someone who isn't usually prone to procrastination can be easily diverted. However, following these tips can help you get motivated to clean the house.


Difficulty: Moderately Easy
Establish a list of realistic goals. Take some time in the beginning of your week to jot down a few small cleaning goals for each day. Try not to overwhelm yourself by tackling a huge job that you'll tire of halfway through and abandon. For example, instead of cleaning the whole bathroom at once, settle for making your countertops and mirrors shine.
Enlist a little help from your cohabitants. Nothing deters you from cleaning the house more than knowing you have to do it all. To make your life easier and to get you going full throttle on the job you take on, pass the list around and have your spouse and kids pitch in.
Treat yourself to some new cleaning supplies. This may not sound so exciting, but if you go out and buy new tools for cleaning that are designed to simplify your jobs, you'll be more motivated to get going. You'll want to get your money's worth out of your new stuff and see if it truly works.
Set the alarm and start the day by cleaning something. By tackling a small job first thing in the morning, you get your mind set on the other tasks waiting for your attention. Also, this sets the motivational tone for you to get as much done as possible before moving onto something else.
Crank up the music. Especially if everyone else is gone for the day and it's just you and your mop, go to your CD player and pick out your favorite rockin' tunes and turn it up. Music is a great motivator, and it helps to pass the time in cleaning purgatory that much quicker.
Take some time for yourself--after you've finished a cleaning job, that is. Create motivation by indulging in a reward when you've reached a cleaning goal. Have a cup of coffee, read a magazine or take the dog for a leisurely walk. You've earned it.

Tips & Warnings

  • Think about what's waiting for you at the finish line: a beautiful, clean-smelling home that you can now sit back and enjoy.
  • Set a timer and motivate yourself to clean the toilets in the house before it goes off.
  • Remember that a clean house is a healthy house, and one way to keep your family healthy is to keep it free from dust, mold and other allergens.
Check out more e-how HERE


in time out said...

hilarious...thanks, i needed that ♥

Pancake said...

I love this line:
Set a timer and motivate yourself to clean the toilets in the house before it goes off.

Cause with ALLLLLL boys, I need an hour to motivate myself to clean toilets!

Unknown said...

LOL....I LOVE the same line as McEwens!!!! set a timer ...have you been to the fly ladys site I of course dont use her BUT she is FAB!!!!!

Mental P Mama said...

I'll think about it tomorrow.

Cynthia said...

The timer thing is a BIG one for me. I'm ADD so I use a timer when I clean to keep me on track.

It also helps debunk your notions of how long a task will take. I might look at a room and think "Ah crap, it's going to take me half an hour to clean this, I don't have time- I'll do it later". When I set my timer and do it, I often discover that it only took 7 minutes. The timer is the BEST cleaning tool ever for me.

Gail said...

Keep talking...