My mission statement~

I intend on "trying" to live a life that is about: not putting in my mouth things that are bad for me or have come from an animal that was treated cruely while alive on this earth and during slaughter, creating lasting fond memories for my children and grandchildren, adventure, challenging myself, respect others regardless of species, race, color or creed, taking risks, having fun, being grateful, respecting myself & my body, being authentically myself, taking responsibility for my actions, being proactive, being a problem solver, taking action, introspection, transition, change, honesty, growth, loving & helping others, having integrity, doing my best, being easy on myself, enjoying this world, becoming well read, seeing the wonder of it all and never allowing fear to hold me back!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Another dose of my Coope

I love me some Coopy baby!


Anonymous said...

What a doll! I bet he gets loads of love from grandma!! What are you going to be called? Grandma, Grammie, Nana, ? Or do you know yet? Love those little cheeks... smooch, smooch!

Adventure girl said...

From being in and loving the south, I want him to call me: Gran'mama:) Thanks for the nice comment:)