My mission statement~

I intend on "trying" to live a life that is about: not putting in my mouth things that are bad for me or have come from an animal that was treated cruely while alive on this earth and during slaughter, creating lasting fond memories for my children and grandchildren, adventure, challenging myself, respect others regardless of species, race, color or creed, taking risks, having fun, being grateful, respecting myself & my body, being authentically myself, taking responsibility for my actions, being proactive, being a problem solver, taking action, introspection, transition, change, honesty, growth, loving & helping others, having integrity, doing my best, being easy on myself, enjoying this world, becoming well read, seeing the wonder of it all and never allowing fear to hold me back!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Another new beginning

I am not going to waist time talking about how much I love my blog but couldn't seem to be inspired to write on it???? or about how I plan on using it more..............................

Tomorrow I start working towards my MS in Higher Education.

I am getting it from an online school that is nationally accredited. I have always known if I went back to school I wanted it to be online. I found most of my college professors either boring or weird anyway. And I hadn't being on a schedule like that. Online learning is the wave of the future and was made for people like me, who like learning in their own way and not being tied down to classroom/professor structure.

I am excited and feel revitalized after being laid off (very unexpectedly) from a job I mostly loved, to be moving a some sort of positive and worthwhile direction.

I have went through several years of not knowing and now I feel certain and filled with happy anticipation.

Good Luck to me;)

Peace and Grace and Love to all;)


Maureen said...

Great to see you again, I just started a new job yesterday since having lost the last one in February.

Cynthia said...

That's great! I'm so excited for you. It seems our lives as women are always filled with reinvention. Good luck with this 'next big thing'!

Lisa Loo said...

good luck!

Rachel Cotterill said...

That's so exciting - good luck!! :)

Adventure girl said...

Thanks grilzzzzzzzzzzzz;)