Hello everybody! How are you? I have no answer as to why I got away from blogging. I go in spurts in EVERY area of my life. That is normal for me. Blogging meant so much to me at the right time. I have such fond memories of when I was obsessed with it;)
I am going to just blab on now:
Megan and Jonathan are back in the states from Africa and just got to San Fran last week. They found an amazing apartment within 2 days of being there. Megs is interviewing at different schools for teach for america. The link is below. She hopes to get 4th or 5th grade. Jonathan was starting to get bored with his job and got offered a great new project with the same company. So life is great for them both right now.
Courtney and Coop are good. Here are some recent pics:
I miss you woman! L♥ve the pictures!
♥ HUGS ♥
You're baaaaaaaaack!!
You're not going to believe this, but I was just thinking about you, no more than 15 minute ago! How weird is that!?
Glad you family is back safetly, and your little munchkins are adorable!
Welcome back. :-)
Okay, more weirdness....I was just thinking about you this morning on my way into work. Freaky. :o)
I'm glad you popped in to say hello. Also glad that everything is going well for your kids and at your job.
Didn't you mention meeting your soul mate recently...or am I confused?
Woo Hoo! Great to 'hear' from you. I'm pleased that all is going well in your life.
I also relate to the 'fits and spurts' thing. Don't you just LOVE ADD?
Glad things are going well...I have missed you bunches! Coop is so cute! Hope you are around more often!
So, so good to hear from you...=) The update was great and I'm glad all is going great for you and all of your family...=) (((HUGS)))
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